Source code for tokio.cli.summarize_job

Take a darshan log or job start/end time and pull scalar data from every
available TOKIO connector/tool configured for the system to present a single
system-wide view of performance for the time during which that job was

import re
import os
import json
import time
import datetime
import argparse
import warnings
import pandas

import tokio.config
import tokio.connectors.darshan
import tokio.connectors.slurm
import tokio.connectors.nersc_jobsdb

# These Darshan POSIX counters are explicitly over into summary

[docs]def _identify_fs_from_path(path, mounts): """ Scan a list of mount points and try to identify the one that matches the given path """ max_match = 0 matching_mount = None for mount in mounts: if path.startswith(mount) and len(mount) > max_match: max_match = len(mount) matching_mount = mount return matching_mount
[docs]def summarize_darshan_posix(darshan_data): """ Extract key metrics from the POSIX module in a Darshan log """ # Extract POSIX performance counters if present if 'counters' not in darshan_data or \ 'posix' not in darshan_data['counters']: return {} results = {} posix_data = darshan_data['counters']['posix'] if '_perf' in posix_data: perf_data = posix_data['_perf'] results['total_gibs_posix'] = perf_data.get('total_bytes') if results['total_gibs_posix']: results['total_gibs_posix'] /= 2.0**30 results['agg_perf_by_slowest_posix'] = perf_data.get('agg_perf_by_slowest') results['io_time'] = perf_data.get('slowest_rank_io_time_unique_files') if results['io_time']: results['io_time'] += perf_data.get('time_by_slowest_shared_files') # Calculate various useful aggregate counters totals = {} counts = {} mins = {} maxes = {} num_files = 0 for recordname, recorddata in posix_data.items(): if recordname.startswith('_'): continue num_files += 1 for rankdata in recorddata.values(): for counter, value in rankdata.items(): totals[counter] = totals.get(counter, 0) + value counts[counter] = counts.get(counter, 0) + 1 if counter not in mins or mins[counter] > value: mins[counter] = value if counter not in maxes or maxes[counter] < value: maxes[counter] = value # Generate statistics for each counter for useful_key in USEFUL_DARSHAN_COUNTERS: if useful_key in totals: results['tot_%s_posix' % useful_key.lower()] = totals[useful_key] results['ave_%s_posix' % useful_key.lower()] = float(totals[useful_key]) / counts[useful_key] results['num_%s_posix' % useful_key.lower()] = counts[useful_key] results['min_%s_posix' % useful_key.lower()] = mins[useful_key] results['max_%s_posix' % useful_key.lower()] = maxes[useful_key] return results
[docs]def get_biggest_api(darshan_data): """ Determine the most-used API and file system based on the Darshan log """ if 'counters' not in darshan_data: return {} biggest_api = {} for api_name in darshan_data['counters']: biggest_api[api_name] = { 'write': 0, 'read': 0, 'write_files': 0, 'read_files': 0, } for file_path, records in darshan_data['counters'][api_name].items(): if file_path.startswith('_'): continue for record in records.values(): bytes_read = record.get('BYTES_READ') if bytes_read: # bytes_read is not None and bytes_read > 0: biggest_api[api_name]['read'] += bytes_read biggest_api[api_name]['read_files'] += 1 bytes_written = record.get('BYTES_WRITTEN') if bytes_written: # bytes_written is not None and bytes_read > 0: biggest_api[api_name]['write'] += bytes_written biggest_api[api_name]['write_files'] += 1 results = {} for readwrite in 'read', 'write': key = 'biggest_%s_api' % readwrite results[key] = max(biggest_api, key=lambda k, rw=readwrite: biggest_api[k][rw]) results['%s_bytes' % key] = biggest_api[results[key]][readwrite] results['%s_files' % key] = biggest_api[results[key]][readwrite + "_files"] return results
[docs]def get_biggest_fs(darshan_data): """ Determine the most-used file system based on the Darshan log """ if 'counters' not in darshan_data: return {} if 'biggest_read_api' not in darshan_data or 'biggest_write_api' not in darshan_data: biggest_api = get_biggest_api(darshan_data) biggest_read_api = biggest_api['biggest_read_api'] biggest_write_api = biggest_api['biggest_write_api'] else: biggest_read_api = darshan_data['biggest_read_api'] biggest_write_api = darshan_data['biggest_write_api'] biggest_fs = {} mounts = list(darshan_data['mounts'].keys()) for api_name in biggest_read_api, biggest_write_api: for file_path in darshan_data['counters'][api_name]: if file_path in ('_perf', '_total'): # only consider file records continue for record in darshan_data['counters'][api_name][file_path].values(): key = _identify_fs_from_path(file_path, mounts) if key is None: key = '_unknown' ### for stuff like STDIO if key not in biggest_fs: biggest_fs[key] = {'write': 0, 'read': 0} bytes_read = record.get('BYTES_READ') if bytes_read is not None: biggest_fs[key]['read'] += bytes_read bytes_written = record.get('BYTES_WRITTEN') if bytes_written is not None: biggest_fs[key]['write'] += bytes_written results = {} for readwrite in 'read', 'write': key = 'biggest_%s_fs' % readwrite results[key] = max(biggest_fs, key=lambda k, rw=readwrite: biggest_fs[k][rw]) results['%s_bytes' % key] = biggest_fs[results[key]][readwrite] return results
[docs]def summarize_darshan(darshan_data): """ Synthesize new Darshan summary metrics based on the contents of a connectors.darshan.Darshan object that is partially or fully populated """ results = {} if 'header' in darshan_data: d_header = darshan_data['header'] for key in 'walltime', 'end_time', 'start_time', 'jobid', 'nprocs': results[key] = d_header.get(key) if 'exe' in d_header: results['app'] = d_header['exe'][0] else: results['app'] = None results.update(summarize_darshan_posix(darshan_data)) results.update(get_biggest_api(darshan_data)) results.update(get_biggest_fs(darshan_data)) return results
[docs]def summarize_byterate_df(dataframe, readwrite, timestep=None): """ Calculate some interesting statistics from a dataframe containing byte rate data. """ assert readwrite in ['read', 'written'] if timestep is None: if dataframe.shape[0] < 2: warnings.warn("given single-row dataframe without timestep") return {} timestep = (dataframe.index[1].to_pydatetime() \ - dataframe.index[0].to_pydatetime()).total_seconds() results = {} results['tot_bytes_%s' % readwrite] = dataframe.sum().sum() * timestep results['tot_gibs_%s' % readwrite] = results['tot_bytes_%s' % readwrite] / 2.0**30 results['ave_bytes_%s_per_sec' % readwrite] = (dataframe.sum(axis=1)).mean() results['ave_gibs_%s_per_sec' % readwrite] = results['ave_bytes_%s_per_sec' % readwrite] / 2.0**30 results['max_bytes_%s_per_sec' % readwrite] = (dataframe.sum(axis=1)).max() results['max_gibs_%s_per_sec' % readwrite] = results['max_bytes_%s_per_sec' % readwrite] / 2.0**30 results['min_bytes_%s_per_sec' % readwrite] = (dataframe.sum(axis=1)).min() results['min_gibs_%s_per_sec' % readwrite] = results['min_bytes_%s_per_sec' % readwrite] / 2.0**30 results['frac_zero_%s' % readwrite] = \ float((dataframe == 0.0).sum().sum()) / float((dataframe.shape[0]*dataframe.shape[1])) return results
[docs]def summarize_cpu_df(dataframe, servertype): """ Calculate some interesting statistics from a dataframe containing CPU load data. """ assert servertype in ['oss', 'mds'] results = {} # df content depends on the servertype results['ave_%s_cpu' % servertype] = dataframe.mean().mean() results['max_%s_cpu' % servertype] = dataframe.max().max() return results
[docs]def summarize_missing_df(dataframe): """ Populate the fraction missing counter from a given DataFrame """ results = { 'frac_missing': float((dataframe != 0.0).sum().sum()) \ / float((dataframe.shape[0]*dataframe.shape[1])) } return results
[docs]def summarize_mds_ops_df(dataframe, opname, timestep=None): """ Summarize various metadata op counts over a time range """ if timestep is None: if dataframe.shape[0] < 2: raise Exception("must specify timestep for single-row dataframe") timestep = (dataframe.index[1].to_pydatetime() \ - dataframe.index[0].to_pydatetime()).total_seconds() results = {} results['tot_%s_ops' % opname] = dataframe.sum().sum() * timestep results['ave_%s_ops_per_sec' % opname] = dataframe.mean().mean() results['max_%s_ops_per_sec' % opname] = dataframe.max().max() results['min_%s_ops_per_sec' % opname] = dataframe.min().min() return results
[docs]def merge_dicts(dict1, dict2, assertion=True, prefix=None): """ Take two dictionaries and merge their keys. Optionally raise an exception if a duplicate key is found, and optionally merge the new dict into the old after adding a prefix to every key. """ for key, value in dict2.items(): if prefix is not None: new_key = prefix + key else: new_key = key if assertion: if new_key in dict1: raise Exception("duplicate key %s found" % new_key) dict1[new_key] = value
# wprefix = '' # if prefix is None: # wprefix = prefix # for key, value in dict2.iteritems(): # new_key = wprefix + key # if assertion and (new_key in dict1): # raise Exception("duplicate key %s found" % new_key) # dict1[new_key] = value
[docs]def serialize_datetime(obj): """ Special serializer function that converts datetime into something that can be encoded in json """ if isinstance(obj, (datetime.datetime, return (obj - datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)).total_seconds() raise TypeError("Type %s not serializable" % type(obj))
[docs]def retrieve_darshan_data(results, darshan_log_file, silent_errors=False): """ Extract the performance data from the Darshan log """ darshan_data = tokio.connectors.darshan.Darshan(darshan_log_file, silent_errors=silent_errors) darshan_data.darshan_parser_perf() darshan_data.darshan_parser_base() if 'header' not in darshan_data: warnings.warn("%s is not a valid darshan log" % darshan_log_file) return results # Define start/end time from darshan log. Add an extra LMT_TIMESTEP on # based on empirical observation that LMT is still flushing data for this # long after the job concludes. results['_datetime_start'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( int(darshan_data['header']['start_time'])) results['_datetime_end'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( int(darshan_data['header']['end_time']) + tokio.config.CONFIG.get('lmt_timestep', 5)) if '_jobid' not in results: results['_jobid'] = darshan_data['header']['jobid'] # Get the summary of the Darshan log module_results = summarize_darshan(darshan_data) merge_dicts(results, module_results, prefix='darshan_') return results
[docs]def retrieve_lmt_data(results, file_system): """ Figure out the H5LMT file corresponding to this run """ if file_system is None: keys = list(results.keys()) if 'darshan_biggest_write_fs_bytes' not in keys \ or 'darshan_biggest_read_fs_bytes' not in keys: return results # Attempt to divine file system from Darshan log results['_file_system'] = None if results['darshan_biggest_write_fs_bytes'] > results['darshan_biggest_read_fs_bytes']: fs_key = 'darshan_biggest_write_fs' else: fs_key = 'darshan_biggest_read_fs' for fs_path, fs_name in tokio.config.CONFIG.get('mount_to_fsname', {}).items(): if, results[fs_key]) is not None: results['_file_system'] = fs_name break else: results['_file_system'] = file_system if results['_file_system'] is None: return results PROCESS_DATASETS = [ { 'dataset': '/datatargets/readrates', 'summarize_func': summarize_byterate_df, 'summary_key': 'read', }, { 'dataset': '/datatargets/writerates', 'summarize_func': summarize_byterate_df, 'summary_key': 'written', }, { 'dataset': '/dataservers/cpuload', 'summarize_func': summarize_cpu_df, 'summary_key': 'oss', }, { 'dataset': '/mdservers/cpuload', 'summarize_func': summarize_cpu_df, 'summary_key': 'mds', }, { 'dataset': '/mdtargets/openrates', 'summarize_func': summarize_mds_ops_df, 'summary_key': 'open', }, { 'dataset': '/mdtargets/closerates', 'summarize_func': summarize_mds_ops_df, 'summary_key': 'close', }, { 'dataset': '/mdtargets/mknodrates', 'summarize_func': summarize_mds_ops_df, 'summary_key': 'mknod', }, { 'dataset': '/mdtargets/linkrates', 'summarize_func': summarize_mds_ops_df, 'summary_key': 'link', }, { 'dataset': '/mdtargets/unlinkrates', 'summarize_func': summarize_mds_ops_df, 'summary_key': 'unlink', }, { 'dataset': '/mdtargets/mkdirrates', 'summarize_func': summarize_mds_ops_df, 'summary_key': 'mkdir', }, { 'dataset': '/mdtargets/rmdirrates', 'summarize_func': summarize_mds_ops_df, 'summary_key': 'rmdir', }, { 'dataset': '/mdtargets/renamerates', 'summarize_func': summarize_mds_ops_df, 'summary_key': 'rename', }, { 'dataset': '/mdtargets/getxattrrates', 'summarize_func': summarize_mds_ops_df, 'summary_key': 'getxattr', }, { 'dataset': '/mdtargets/statfsrates', 'summarize_func': summarize_mds_ops_df, 'summary_key': 'statfs', }, { 'dataset': '/mdtargets/setattrrates', 'summarize_func': summarize_mds_ops_df, 'summary_key': 'setattr', }, { 'dataset': '/mdtargets/getattrrates', 'summarize_func': summarize_mds_ops_df, 'summary_key': 'getattr', }, { # Missing data requires using a key that directly maps to a dataset, # since any transformation may destroy information on what data # are missing. 'dataset': '/dataservers/cpuload/missing', 'summarize_func': summarize_missing_df, 'summary_key': None, }, ] errors = 0 module_results = {} for process_args in PROCESS_DATASETS: try: dataframe = results['_file_system'], process_args['dataset'], results['_datetime_start'], results['_datetime_end']) if dataframe is None: if not errors: # only print the first error per HDF5 file warnings.warn("No HDF5 data for %s from %s to %s on %s" % ( process_args['dataset'], results['_datetime_start'], results['_datetime_end'], results['_file_system'])) errors += 1 elif process_args.get('summary_key'): module_results.update(process_args['summarize_func'](dataframe, process_args['summary_key'])) else: module_results.update(process_args['summarize_func'](dataframe)) except IOError as error: warnings.warn(str(error)) merge_dicts(results, module_results, prefix='fs_') return results
[docs]def retrieve_topology_data(results, jobinfo_cache_file, nodemap_cache_file): """ Get the diameter of the job (Cray XC) """ if nodemap_cache_file is not None: if '_jobid' not in results: # bail out return results # verify nodemap cache file if nodemap_cache_file == "": nodemap_cache_file = None # verify slurm cache file if jobinfo_cache_file == "" \ or jobinfo_cache_file is None \ or not os.path.isfile(jobinfo_cache_file): jobinfo_cache_file = None module_results = results['_jobid'], jobinfo_cache_file=jobinfo_cache_file, nodemap_cache_file=nodemap_cache_file) merge_dicts(results, module_results, prefix='topology_') return results
[docs]def retrieve_jobid(results, jobid, file_count): """ Get JobId from either Slurm or the CLI argument """ if jobid is not None: if file_count > 1: raise Exception("Behavior of --jobid when files > 1 is undefined") if os.path.isfile(jobid): slurm_data = tokio.connectors.slurm.Slurm(cache_file=jobid) results['_jobid'] = slurm_data.get_job_ids()[0] else: results['_jobid'] = jobid return results
[docs]def retrieve_ost_data(results, ost, ost_fullness=None, ost_map=None): """ Get Lustre server status via lfsstatus tool """ if ost: # Divine the sonexion name from the file system map fs_key = results.get('_file_system') if fs_key is None or fs_key not in tokio.config.CONFIG.get('fsname_to_backend_name', {}): return results # Get the OST fullness summary try: module_results =, results['_datetime_start'], cache_file=ost_fullness) except KeyError as error: warnings.warn("KeyError: %s for %s" % (str(error), results['_datetime_start'])) module_results = {} merge_dicts(results, module_results, prefix='fshealth_') # Get the OST failure status # Note that get_failures will clobber the ost_timestamp_* keys from # get_fullness above; these aren't used for correlation analysis and # should be pretty close anyway. try: module_results =, results['_datetime_start'], cache_file=ost_map) except KeyError as error: warnings.warn("KeyError: %s for %s" % (str(error), results['_datetime_start'])) module_results = {} merge_dicts(results, module_results, False, prefix='fshealth_') # A measure, in sec, expressing how far before the job our OST fullness data was measured if 'fshealth_ost_actual_timestamp' in results: results['fshealth_ost_fullness_lead_secs'] = \ (results['_datetime_start'] \ - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( results['fshealth_ost_actual_timestamp'])).total_seconds() # Ost_overloaded_pct becomes the percent of OSTs in file system which are # in an abnormal state if 'fshealth_ost_overloaded_ost_count' in results and 'fshealth_ost_count' in results: results["fshealth_ost_overloaded_pct"] = \ 100.0 * float(results["fshealth_ost_overloaded_ost_count"]) \ / float(results["fshealth_ost_count"]) # A measure, in sec, expressing how far before the job our OST failure data was measured if 'fshealth_ost_actual_timestamp' in results: results['fshealth_ost_failures_lead_secs'] = \ (results['_datetime_start'] \ - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( results['fshealth_ost_actual_timestamp'])).total_seconds() return results
[docs]def retrieve_concurrent_job_data(results, jobhost, concurrentjobs): """ Get information about all jobs that were running during a time period """ if concurrentjobs is not None \ and results['_datetime_start'] is not None \ and results['_datetime_end'] is not None \ and jobhost is not None: if concurrentjobs == "": cache_file = None else: cache_file = concurrentjobs start_stamp = int(time.mktime(results['_datetime_start'].timetuple())) end_stamp = int(time.mktime(results['_datetime_end'].timetuple())) nerscjobsdb = tokio.connectors.nersc_jobsdb.NerscJobsDb(cache_file=cache_file) concurrent_job_info = nerscjobsdb.get_concurrent_jobs(start_stamp, end_stamp, jobhost) results['jobsdb_concurrent_jobs'] = concurrent_job_info['numjobs'] results['jobsdb_concurrent_nodes'] = concurrent_job_info['numnodes'] results['jobsdb_concurrent_nodehrs'] = concurrent_job_info['nodehrs'] return results
[docs]def main(argv=None): """Entry point for the CLI interface """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-t", "--topology", nargs='?', const="", type=str, help="include job diameter (Cray XC only);" + " can specify optional path to cached xtprocadmin output") parser.add_argument("-c", "--concurrentjobs", nargs='?', const="", type=str, help="add number of jobs concurrently running from jobsdb;" + " can specify optional path to cache db") parser.add_argument("-o", "--ost", action='store_true', help="add information about OST fullness/failover") parser.add_argument("-j", "--json", help="output in json", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-f", "--file-system", type=str, default=None, help="file system name (e.g., cscratch, bb-private)") parser.add_argument("--start-time", type=str, default=None, help="start time of job, in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format") parser.add_argument("--end-time", type=str, default=None, help="end time of job, in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format") parser.add_argument("--slurm-jobid", type=str, default=None, help="job id or path to slurm cache file" + " (req'd w/ --topology, --concurrentjobs, or if no darshan log provided)") parser.add_argument("--jobhost", type=str, default=None, help="host on which job ran (used with --concurrentjobs)") parser.add_argument("--ost-fullness", type=str, default=None, nargs="?", help="path to an ost fullness file (lfs df)") parser.add_argument("--ost-map", type=str, default=None, nargs="?", help="path to an ost map file (lctl dl -t)") parser.add_argument("--silent-errors", action='store_true', help="suppress error messages from darshan-parser") parser.add_argument("files", nargs='*', default=None, help="darshan logs to process") args = parser.parse_args(argv) json_rows = [] records_to_process = 0 # If --start-time is specified, --end-time MUST be specified, and # files CANNOT be specified if (args.start_time is not None and args.end_time is None) \ or (args.start_time is None and args.end_time is not None): raise Exception("--start-time and --end-time must be specified together") elif args.start_time is not None: # If files are specified, --start-time becomes ambiguous if len(args.files) > 1: raise Exception("--start-time and files cannot be specified together") records_to_process = 1 results = { '_datetime_start': datetime.datetime.strptime(args.start_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), '_datetime_end': datetime.datetime.strptime(args.end_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), } else: records_to_process = len(args.files) # Let Darshan log define datetime_start and datetime_end results = {} # If --jobid is specified, override whatever is in the Darshan log results = retrieve_jobid(results, args.slurm_jobid, len(args.files)) for i in range(records_to_process): # records_to_process == 1 but len(args.files) == 0 when no darshan log is given if len(args.files) > 0: results = retrieve_darshan_data(results, args.files[i], silent_errors=args.silent_errors) results = retrieve_lmt_data(results, args.file_system) results = retrieve_topology_data(results, jobinfo_cache_file=args.slurm_jobid, nodemap_cache_file=args.topology) results = retrieve_ost_data(results, args.ost, args.ost_fullness, args.ost_map) results = retrieve_concurrent_job_data(results, args.jobhost, args.concurrentjobs) # don't append empty rows if len(results) > 0: json_rows.append(results) results = {} if args.json: print(json.dumps(json_rows, indent=4, sort_keys=True, default=serialize_datetime)) else: tmp_df = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(json_rows) = "index" print(tmp_df.to_csv())