pytokio 0.13.0b2

pytokio is a Python library that provides the APIs necessary to develop analysis routines that combine data from different I/O monitoring tools that may be available in your HPC data center. The design and capabilities of pytokio have been documented in the pytokio architecture paper presented at the 2018 Cray User Group.

Quick Start

Step 1. Download pytokio: Download the latest pytokio from the pytokio release page and unpack it somewhere:

$ wget
$ tar -zxf pytokio-0.10.1.tar.gz

Step 2. (Optional): Configure `site.json`: pytokio ships with a site.json configuration file that’s located in the tarball’s tokio/ subdirectory. You can edit this to reflect the location of various data sources and configurations on your system:

$ vi pytokio-0.10.1/tokio/site.json

However it is also perfectly fine to not worry about this now, as this file is only used for higher-level interfaces.

Step 3. Install pytokio: Install the pytokio package using your favorite package installation mechanism:

$ ls
pytokio-0.10.1        pytokio-0.10.1.tar.gz

$ pip install pytokio-0.10.1/


$ cd pytokio-0.10.1/
$ python install --prefix=/path/to/installdir


$ cd pytokio-0.10.1/
$ pip install --user .

Alternatively, pytokio does not technically require a proper installation and it is sufficient to clone the git repo, add it to PYTHONPATH, and import tokio from there:

$ cd pytokio-0.10.1/

Then verify that pytokio can be imported:

$ python
>>> import tokio
>>> tokio.__version__

pytokio supports both Python 2.7 and 3.6 and, at minimum, requires h5py, numpy, and pandas. The full requirements are listed in requirements.txt.

Step 4. (Optional) Test pytokio CLI tools: pytokio includes some basic CLI wrappers around many of its interfaces which are installed in your Python package install directory’s bin/ directory:

$ export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/installdir/bin
$ --perf /path/to/a/darshanlog.darshan
    "counters": {
        "mpiio": {

Because pytokio is a framework for tying together different data sources, exactly which CLI tools will work on your system is dependent on what data sources are available to you. Darshan is perhaps the most widely deployed source of data. If you have Darshan logs collected in a central location on your system, you can try using pytokio’s tool to create an index of all logs generated on a single day:

$ /global/darshanlogs/2018/10/8/fbench_*.darshan
"/global/darshanlogs/2018/10/8/fbench_IOR_CORI2_id15540806_10-8-6559-7673881787757600104_1.darshan": {
    "/global/project": {
        "read_bytes": 0,
        "write_bytes": 206144000000

All pytokio CLI tools’ options can be displayed by running them with the -h option.

Finally, if you have downloaded the entire pytokio repository, there are some sample Darshan logs (and other files) in the tests/inputs directory which you can also use to verify basic functionality.

Developer Documentation

Indices and tables