Source code for tokio.cli.archive_collectdes

Dumps a lot of data out of ElasticSearch using the Python API and native
scrolling support.  Output either as native json from ElasticSearch or as
serialized TOKIO TimeSeries (TTS) HDF5 files.

Can use ``PYTOKIO_ES_USER`` and ``PYTOKIO_ES_PASSWORD`` environment variables to
pass on to the Elasticsearch connector for http authentication.

import os
import sys
import gzip
import json
import time
import datetime
import argparse
import warnings
import mimetypes
import collections
import multiprocessing

import dateutil.parser # because of how ElasticSearch returns time data
import numpy

import tokio.debug
import tokio.timeseries
import tokio.connectors.collectd_es
import tokio.connectors.hdf5


DATASETS = collections.OrderedDict([
    ('datatargets/readrates', 'bytes/sec'),
    ('datatargets/writerates', 'bytes/sec'),
    ('datatargets/readoprates', 'ops/sec'),
    ('datatargets/writeoprates', 'ops/sec'),
    ('dataservers/memcached', 'bytes'),
    ('dataservers/membuffered', 'bytes'),
    ('dataservers/memfree', 'bytes'),
    ('dataservers/memused', 'bytes'),
    ('dataservers/memslab', 'bytes'),
    ('dataservers/memslab_unrecl', 'bytes'),
    ('dataservers/cpuload', '%'),
    ('dataservers/cpuuser', '%'),
    ('dataservers/cpusys', '%'),
    # these metadatasets _must_ be initialized _after_ their parent dataset
    ('dataservers/_num_cpuload', 'cpu count'),
    ('dataservers/_num_cpuuser', 'cpu count'),
    ('dataservers/_num_cpusys', 'cpu count'),

DATE_FMT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"

# This is necessary because multiprocessing needs to be able to serialize the
# reducer that is passed back, but lambda functions are not pickleable.  So we
# pass back a string that maps to a lambda.
    'sum': lambda x, y: x + y,

[docs]def metadataset2dataset_key(metadataset_name): """Return the dataset name corresponding to a metadataset name Metadatasets are not ever stored in the HDF5 and instead are only used to store data needed to correctly calculate dataset values. This function maps a metadataset name to its corresponding dataset name. Args: metadataset_name (str): Name of a metadataset Returns: str: Name of corresponding dataset name, or None if `metadataset_name` does not appear to be a metadataset name. """ if '/_num_' not in metadataset_name: return None else: return metadataset_name.replace('/_num_', '/', 1)
[docs]def dataset2metadataset_key(dataset_key): """Return the metadataset name corresponding to a dataset name Args: dataset_name (str): Name of a dataset Returns: str: Name of corresponding metadataset name """ return dataset_key.replace('/', '/_num_', 1)
[docs]def process_page(page): """ Go through a list of docs and insert their data into a numpy matrix. In the future this should be a flush function attached to the CollectdEs connector class. Args: page (dict): A single page of output from an Elasticsearch scroll query. Should contain a ``hits`` key. """ _time0 = time.time() inserts = [] for doc in page: # basic validity checking if '_source' not in doc: warnings.warn("No _source in doc") print(json.dumps(doc, indent=4)) continue source = doc['_source'] # check to see if this is from plugin:disk if source['plugin'] == 'disk': # We jump through these hoops because most of TOKIO uses tz-unaware # local datetimes and we don't want to inject a bunch of dateutil # dependencies elsewhere # timezone-aware string # `-> tz-aware utc datetime # `-> local datetime # `-> tz-unaware local datetime timestamp = dateutil.parser.parse(source['@timestamp'])\ .astimezone(\ .replace(tzinfo=None) col_name = "%s:%s" % (source['hostname'], source['plugin_instance']) if source['collectd_type'] == 'disk_octets': val1 = source.get('read') val2 = source.get('write') if val1 is not None and val2 is not None: inserts.append(('datatargets/readrates', timestamp, col_name, val1)) inserts.append(('datatargets/writerates', timestamp, col_name, val2)) elif source['collectd_type'] == 'disk_ops': val1 = source.get('read') val2 = source.get('write') if val1 is not None and val2 is not None: inserts.append(('datatargets/readoprates', timestamp, col_name, val1)) inserts.append(('datatargets/writeoprates', timestamp, col_name, val2)) elif source['plugin'] == 'cpu' and 'value' in source: timestamp = dateutil.parser.parse(source['@timestamp'])\ .astimezone(\ .replace(tzinfo=None) val1 = source.get('value') if source['type_instance'] == 'idle': # note that we store (100 - idle) as load inserts.append(('dataservers/cpuload', timestamp, source['hostname'], 100.0 - val1, 'sum')) inserts.append(('dataservers/_num_cpuload', timestamp, source['hostname'], 1, 'sum')) elif source['type_instance'] == 'user': inserts.append(('dataservers/cpuuser', timestamp, source['hostname'], val1, 'sum')) inserts.append(('dataservers/_num_cpuuser', timestamp, source['hostname'], 1, 'sum')) elif source['type_instance'] == 'system': inserts.append(('dataservers/cpusys', timestamp, source['hostname'], val1, 'sum')) inserts.append(('dataservers/_num_cpusys', timestamp, source['hostname'], 1, 'sum')) elif source['plugin'] == 'memory' and 'value' in source: timestamp = dateutil.parser.parse(source['@timestamp'])\ .astimezone(\ .replace(tzinfo=None) val1 = source.get('value') if source['type_instance'] == 'cached': inserts.append(('dataservers/memcached', timestamp, source['hostname'], val1)) elif source['type_instance'] == 'buffered': inserts.append(('dataservers/membuffered', timestamp, source['hostname'], val1)) elif source['type_instance'] == 'free': inserts.append(('dataservers/memfree', timestamp, source['hostname'], val1)) elif source['type_instance'] == 'used': inserts.append(('dataservers/memused', timestamp, source['hostname'], val1)) elif source['type_instance'] == 'slab_recl': inserts.append(('dataservers/memslab', timestamp, source['hostname'], val1)) elif source['type_instance'] == 'slab_unrecl': inserts.append(('dataservers/memslab_unrecl', timestamp, source['hostname'], val1)) _timef = time.time() if tokio.debug.DEBUG: print("Extracted %d inserts in %.4f seconds" % (len(inserts), _timef - _time0)) per_dataset = {} for insert in inserts: if insert[0] not in per_dataset: per_dataset[insert[0]] = 0 per_dataset[insert[0]] += 1 for dataset_name in sorted(per_dataset.keys()): print(" %6d entries for %s" % (per_dataset[dataset_name], dataset_name)) return inserts
[docs]def update_datasets(inserts, datasets): """Insert list of tuples into a dataset Insert a list of tuples into a :class:`tokio.timeseries.TimeSeries` object serially Args: inserts (list of tuples): List of tuples which should be serially inserted into a dataset. The tuples can be of the form * dataset name (str) * timestamp (:class:`datetime.datetime`) * column name (str) * value or * dataset name (str) * timestamp (:class:`datetime.datetime`) * column name (str) * value * reducer name (str) where * `dataset name` is the key used to retrieve a target :class:`tokio.timeseries.TimeSeries` object from the `datasets` argument * `timestamp` and `column name` reference the element to be udpated * value is the new value to insert into the given (`timestamp`, `column name`) location within `dataset`. * `reducer name` is None (to just replace whatever value currently exists in the (`timestamp`, `column name`) location, or 'sum' to add `value` to the existing value. datasets (dict): Dictionary mapping dataset names (str) to :class:`tokio.timeseries.TimeSeries` objects Returns: int: number of elements in `inserts` which were not inserted because their timestamp value was out of the range of the dataset to be updated. """ data_volume = {} errors = {} for key in datasets: data_volume[key] = 0.0 errors[key] = 0 for insert in inserts: try: if len(insert) == 4: (dataset_name, timestamp, col_name, value) = insert reducer = None else: (dataset_name, timestamp, col_name, value, reducer_name) = insert reducer = LAMBDA_MAPS.get(reducer_name) except ValueError: print(insert) raise if datasets[dataset_name].insert_element(timestamp, col_name, value, reducer): data_volume[dataset_name] += value tidx, cidx = datasets[dataset_name].get_insert_pos(timestamp, col_name) else: errors[dataset_name] += 1 # Update dataset metadata for key in datasets: unit = DATASETS.get(key, "unknown") datasets[key].dataset_metadata.update({'version': SCHEMA_VERSION, 'units': unit}) datasets[key].group_metadata.update({'source': 'collectd_disk'}) index_errors = sum(errors.values()) if index_errors > 0: warnings.warn("Out-of-bounds indices (%d total) were detected" % index_errors) if tokio.debug.DEBUG: for key in data_volume: data_volume[key] *= datasets[key].timestep update_str = "Added " update_str = "Added %(datatargets/readrates)d bytes/" \ + "%(datatargets/readoprates)d ops of read, " \ + "%(datatargets/writerates)d bytes/" \ + "%(datatargets/writeoprates)d ops of write, " \ + "%(dataservers/cpuload).1f%% of cpu load-seconds, " \ + "%(dataservers/memused)d bytes of memory-seconds" print(update_str % data_volume) return index_errors
[docs]def reset_timeseries(timeseries, start, end, value=-0.0): """Zero out a region of a tokio.timeseries.TimeSeries dataset Args: timeseries (tokio.timeseries.TimeSeries): data from a subset should be zeroed start (datetime.datetime): Time at which zeroing of all columns in `timeseries` should begin end (datetime.datetime): Time at which zeroing all columns in `timeseries` should end (exclusive) value: value which should be set in every element being reset Returns: Nothing """ index0, _ = timeseries.get_insert_pos(start, None) indexf, _ = timeseries.get_insert_pos(end, None) timeseries.dataset[index0:indexf, :] = value
[docs]def normalize_cpu_datasets(inserts, datasets): """Normalize CPU load datasets Divide each element of CPU datasets by the number of CPUs counted at each point in time. Necessary because these measurements are reported on a per-core basis, but not all cores may be reported for each timestamp. Args: inserts (list of tuples): list of inserts that were used to populate datasets datasets (dict of TimeSeries): all of the datasets being populated Returns: Nothing """ dataset_names = set(['dataservers/cpuload', 'dataservers/cpuuser', 'dataservers/cpusys']) num_dataset_names = {} norm_elements = {} for dataset_name in dataset_names: norm_elements[dataset_name] = set([]) num_dataset_names[dataset_name] = dataset2metadataset_key(dataset_name) # build a set of all elements that must be divided for insert in inserts: (dataset_name, timestamp, col_name) = insert[0:3] if dataset_name in dataset_names: # get the position of this element to be inserted t_index, c_index = datasets[dataset_name].get_insert_pos(timestamp, col_name) if t_index is not None and c_index is not None: norm_elements[dataset_name].add((t_index, c_index)) # now divide each element to be divided for dataset_name in dataset_names: num_dataset_name = num_dataset_names[dataset_name] for t_index, c_index in norm_elements[dataset_name]: datasets[dataset_name].dataset[t_index, c_index] /= \ datasets[num_dataset_name].dataset[t_index, c_index] # convert NaNs (0.0 / 0.0) back to -0.0 datasets[dataset_name].dataset[numpy.isnan(datasets[dataset_name].dataset)] = -0.0
[docs]def pages_to_hdf5(pages, output_file, init_start, init_end, query_start, query_end, timestep, num_servers, devices_per_server, threads=1): """Stores a page from Elasticsearch query in an HDF5 file Take pages from ElasticSearch query and store them in output_file Args: pages (list): A list of page objects (dictionaries) output_file (str): Path to an HDF5 file in which page data should be stored init_start (datetime.datetime): Lower bound of time (inclusive) to be stored in the ``output_file``. Used when creating a non-existent HDF5 file. init_end (datetime.datetime): Upper bound of time (inclusive) to be stored in the ``output_file``. Used when creating a non-existent HDF5 file. query_start (datetime.datetime): Retrieve data greater than or equal to this time from Elasticsearch query_end (datetime.datetime); Retrieve data less than this time from Elasticsearch timestep (int): Time, in seconds, between successive sample intervals to be used when initializing ``output_file`` num_servers (int): Number of discrete servers in the cluster. Used when initializing ``output_file``. devices_per_server (int): Number of SSDs per server. Used when initializing ``output_file``. threads (int): Number of parallel threads to utilize when parsing the Elasticsearch output """ datasets = {} file_exists = False if os.path.isfile(output_file): file_exists = True with tokio.connectors.hdf5.Hdf5(output_file) as hdf5_file: schema_version = hdf5_file.get_version() # New files have a blank slate and should use the latest; existing files may # have orphaned duplicate data if two schemata are encoded at once if file_exists and schema_version != SCHEMA_VERSION: warnings.warn("%s existing version %s will be upgraded in-place to %s" % (output_file, schema_version, SCHEMA_VERSION)) # Update to the latest schema version no matter what schema_version = SCHEMA_VERSION hdf5_file.attrs['version'] = SCHEMA_VERSION schema = tokio.connectors.hdf5.SCHEMA.get(schema_version) if schema is None: raise KeyError("Schema version %d in %s is not known by connectors.hdf5" % (SCHEMA_VERSION, output_file)) # Initialize datasets for dataset_name in DATASETS: hdf5_dataset_name = schema.get(dataset_name) if hdf5_dataset_name is None: if '/_' not in dataset_name: warnings.warn("Dataset %s in %s is not in schema version %s (passing through)" % (dataset_name, output_file, schema_version)) hdf5_dataset_name = dataset_name if dataset_name.lstrip('/').startswith('datatargets'): num_columns = num_servers * devices_per_server else: num_columns = num_servers # If this is a metadataset, initialize it with the shape and columns of # the dataset it describes so that we can use the same index values for # both. This requires the parent dataset's TimeSeries to already be # defined and attached, which requires DATASETS to be an OrderedDict so # that we aren't initializing metadatasets before datasets. real_dataset_name = metadataset2dataset_key(dataset_name) if real_dataset_name: if real_dataset_name not in datasets: raise KeyError("Cannot init metadataset %s; dataset %s does not exist" % (dataset_name, real_dataset_name)) global_start = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(datasets[real_dataset_name].timestamps[0]) global_end = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(datasets[real_dataset_name].timestamps[-1] + datasets[real_dataset_name].timestep) timeseries = tokio.timeseries.TimeSeries(dataset_name=hdf5_dataset_name, start=global_start, end=global_end, timestep=timestep, num_columns=num_columns, column_names=datasets[real_dataset_name].columns) # we can't update an average, so zero out all prior values that # we will be overwriting reset_timeseries(datasets[real_dataset_name], query_start, query_end) else: timeseries = hdf5_file.to_timeseries(dataset_name=hdf5_dataset_name) if timeseries is None: timeseries = tokio.timeseries.TimeSeries(dataset_name=hdf5_dataset_name, start=init_start, end=init_end, timestep=timestep, num_columns=num_columns) datasets[dataset_name] = timeseries # Process all pages retrieved (this is computationally expensive) _time0 = time.time() updates = [] if threads > 1: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(threads) for update in pool.imap_unordered(process_page, pages): updates.append(update) # explicitly terminate to prevent HDF5 locking problems caused by # un-gc'ed file handles pool.terminate() else: for page in pages: updates.append(process_page(page)) _timef = time.time() _extract_time = _timef - _time0 tokio.debug.debug_print("Extracted %d elements from %d pages in %.4f seconds" \ % (sum([len(x) for x in updates]), len(pages), _extract_time)) # Take the processed list of data to insert and actually insert them _time0 = time.time() for update in updates: update_datasets(update, datasets) _timef = time.time() _update_time = _timef - _time0 if tokio.debug.DEBUG: print("Inserted %d elements from %d pages in %.4f seconds" \ % (len(updates), len(pages), _update_time)) print("Processed %d pages in %.4f seconds" \ % (len(pages), _extract_time + _update_time)) for update in updates: normalize_cpu_datasets(update, datasets) # Write datasets out to HDF5 file _time0 = time.time() for dataset_name, dataset in datasets.items(): if '/_' not in dataset_name: hdf5_file.commit_timeseries(dataset) if tokio.debug.DEBUG: print("Committed data to disk in %.4f seconds" % (time.time() - _time0))
[docs]def main(argv=None): """Entry point for the CLI interface """ warnings.simplefilter('always', UserWarning) # One warning per invalid file # Parse CLI options parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument("query_start", type=str, help="start time of query in %s format" % DATE_FMT) parser.add_argument("query_end", type=str, help="end time of query in %s format" % DATE_FMT) parser.add_argument('--init-start', type=str, default=None, help='min timestamp if creating new output file, in %s format' % DATE_FMT + ' (default: same as start)') parser.add_argument('--init-end', type=str, default=None, help='max timestamp if creating new output file, in %s format' % DATE_FMT + ' (default: same as end)') parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help="produce debug messages") parser.add_argument('--num-nodes', type=int, default=288, help='number of expected burst buffer nodes (default: 288)') parser.add_argument('--ssds-per-node', type=int, default=4, help='number of SSDs in each BB node (default: 4)') parser.add_argument('--timestep', type=int, default=10, help='collection frequency, in seconds (default: 10)') parser.add_argument('--timeout', type=int, default=30, help='ElasticSearch timeout time (default: 30)') parser.add_argument('--threads', type=int, default=1, help='parallel threads for document extraction (default: 1)') parser.add_argument('--input', type=str, default=None, help="use cached ElasticSearch json as input") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=str, default='output.hdf5', help="output file (default: output.hdf5)") parser.add_argument('-h', '--host', type=str, default="localhost", help="hostname of ElasticSearch endpoint (default: localhost)") parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', type=int, default=9200, help="port of ElasticSearch endpoint (default: 9200)") parser.add_argument('-i', '--index', type=str, default='cori-collectd-*', help='ElasticSearch index to query (default:cori-collectd-*)') args = parser.parse_args(argv) if args.debug: tokio.debug.DEBUG = True # Convert CLI options into datetime try: query_start = datetime.datetime.strptime(args.query_start, DATE_FMT) query_end = datetime.datetime.strptime(args.query_end, DATE_FMT) init_start = query_start init_end = query_end if args.init_start: init_start = datetime.datetime.strptime(args.init_start, DATE_FMT) if args.init_end: init_end = datetime.datetime.strptime(args.init_end, DATE_FMT) except ValueError: sys.stderr.write("Start and end times must be in format %s\n" % DATE_FMT) raise # Basic input bounds checking if query_start >= query_end: raise Exception('query_start >= query_end') elif init_start >= init_end: raise Exception('init_start >= init_end') elif args.timestep < 1: raise Exception('--timestep must be > 0') # Read input from a cached json file (generated previously via the --json # option) or by querying ElasticSearch? if args.input is None: ### Try to connect kwargs = { 'host':, 'port': args.port, 'index': args.index, 'timeout': args.timeout } username = os.environ.get("PYTOKIO_ES_USER") password = os.environ.get("PYTOKIO_ES_PASSWORD") if username and password: kwargs['http_auth'] = (username, password) esdb = tokio.connectors.collectd_es.CollectdEs(**kwargs) pages = None for plugin_query in [tokio.connectors.collectd_es.QUERY_CPU_DATA, tokio.connectors.collectd_es.QUERY_DISK_DATA, tokio.connectors.collectd_es.QUERY_MEMORY_DATA]: esdb.query_timeseries(plugin_query, query_start, query_end) if pages is None: pages = esdb.scroll_pages else: pages += esdb.scroll_pages tokio.debug.debug_print("Loaded results from %s:%s" % (, args.port)) pages_to_hdf5(pages=pages, output_file=args.output, init_start=init_start, init_end=init_end, query_start=query_start, query_end=query_end, timestep=args.timestep, num_servers=args.num_nodes, devices_per_server=args.ssds_per_node, threads=args.threads) else: _, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(args.input) if encoding == 'gzip': input_file =, 'r') else: input_file = open(args.input, 'r') pages = json.load(input_file) input_file.close() tokio.debug.debug_print("Loaded results from %s" % args.input) pages_to_hdf5(pages=pages, output_file=args.output, init_start=init_start, init_end=init_end, query_start=query_start, query_end=query_end, timestep=args.timestep, num_servers=args.num_nodes, devices_per_server=args.ssds_per_node, threads=args.threads) print("Wrote output to %s" % args.output)