Source code for tokio.config

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Loads the pytokio configuration file.

The pytokio configuration file can be either a JSON or YAML file that contains
various site-specific constants, paths, and defaults.  pytokio should import
correctly and all connectors should be functional in the absence of a
configuration file.

If the PyYAML package is available, the configuration file may reference
environment variables which get correctly resolved during import.  This requires
that the configuration file only reference $VARIABLES in unquoted strings;
quoted strings (such as those when loading JSON-formatted YAML) will not be

A subset of configuration parameters can be overridden by environment variables
prefixed with PYTOKIO_.

import os
import re
import json
from tokio.common import isstr
    import yaml
except ImportError:
    HAVE_YAML = False

#: Global variable containing the configuration
CONFIG = {} 

#: Path to configuration file to load

#: Path of default site configuration file

#: Config parameters that can be overridden using PYTOKIO_* environment variable

[docs]def init_config(): """Loads the global configuration. Loads the site-wide configuration file, then inspects relevant environment variables for overrides. """ global CONFIG global PYTOKIO_CONFIG_FILE global DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE # Escape hatch for cases where we want to load the module without initalizing if os.environ.get('PYTOKIO_SKIP_CONFIG') is not None: return # Set the default config path - set here rather than in the global namespace # so site-specific paths don't get baked into the autodoc documentation DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'site.json') # Load a pytokio config from a special location PYTOKIO_CONFIG_FILE = os.environ.get('PYTOKIO_CONFIG', DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE) try: with open(PYTOKIO_CONFIG_FILE, 'rt') as config_file: if HAVE_YAML: loaded_config = load_and_expand_yaml(config_file) else: loaded_config = json.load(config_file) except (OSError, IOError): loaded_config = {} # Load pytokio config file and convert its keys into a set of constants for _key, _value in loaded_config.items(): # config keys beginning with an underscore get skipped if _key.startswith('_'): pass # if setting this key will overwrite something already in the tokio.config # namespace, only overwrite if the existing object is something we probably # loaded from a json _old_attribute = CONFIG.get(_key.lower()) if _old_attribute is None \ or isstr(_old_attribute) \ or isinstance(_old_attribute, (dict, list)): CONFIG[_key.lower()] = _value # Check for magic environment variables to override the contents of the config # file at runtime for _magic_variable in MAGIC_VARIABLES: _magic_value = os.environ.get("PYTOKIO_" + _magic_variable) if _magic_value is not None: try: _magic_value_decoded = json.loads(_magic_value) except ValueError: CONFIG[_magic_variable.lower()] = _magic_value else: CONFIG[_magic_variable.lower()] = _magic_value_decoded
[docs]def load_and_expand_yaml(file_handle): """Loads YAML config file and expands all environment variables contained therein Args: file_handle (file): File containing YAML to load """ path_matcher = re.compile(r'.*\$\{([^}^{]+)\}.*') def path_constructor(loader, node): return os.path.expandvars(node.value) class EnvVarLoader(yaml.SafeLoader): pass EnvVarLoader.add_implicit_resolver('!path', path_matcher, None) EnvVarLoader.add_constructor('!path', path_constructor) return yaml.load(file_handle, Loader=EnvVarLoader)