Source code for tokio.connectors.lfshealth

#!/usr/bin/env python
Connectors for the Lustre `lfs df` and `lctl dl -t` commands to determine the
health of Lustre file systems from the clients' perspective.

import re
from tokio.connectors.common import SubprocessOutputDict

# Only try to match osc/mdc lines; skip mgc/lov/lmv
# 351 UP osc snx11025-OST0007-osc-ffff8875ac1e7c00 3f30f170-90e6-b332-b141-a6d4a94a1829 5
# snx11035-OST0000_UUID 90767651352 54512631228 35277748388  61% /scratch2[OST:0]
#                             snx000-OST... tot     use     avail      00%    /scra[OST    :0     ]
_REX_OST_MAP = re.compile(r'^\s*(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(snx\d+-\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+@\S+)\s*$')
_REX_LFS_DF = re.compile(r'^\s*(snx\d+-\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+).\s+(\S+)\[([^:]+):(\d+)\]\s*$')

LCTL = 'lctl'
LCTL_DL_T = [LCTL, 'dl', '-t']
LFS = 'lfs'
LFS_DF = [LFS, 'df']

[docs]class LfsOstMap(SubprocessOutputDict): """ Representation for the lctl dl -t command. Generates a dict of form { file_system: { ost_name : { keys: values } } } This is a generally logical structure, although this map is always almost fed into a routine that tries to find multiple OSTs on the same OSS (i.e., a failover situation) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(LfsOstMap, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.subprocess_cmd = LCTL_DL_T self.load()
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Serialize object into an ASCII string Returns a string that resembles the input used to initialize this object """ repr_result = "" # Iterate over file systems within each time step for target_name in sorted(self.keys()): obd_data = self[target_name] for obd_name in sorted(list(obd_data.keys()), key=lambda x: int(obd_data[x]['index'])): keyvals = obd_data[obd_name] record_string = \ "%(index)3d %(status)2s %(role)3s %(role_id)s %(uuid)s %(ref_count)d %(nid)s\n" % keyvals repr_result += record_string return repr_result
[docs] def load_str(self, input_str): """Parse the output of `lctl dl -t` to initialize self """ degenerate_keys = 0 for line in input_str.splitlines(): match = if match is not None: file_system, target_name = ('-')[0:2]) if file_system not in self: self[file_system] = {} # Duplicates can happen if a file system is doubly mounted if target_name in self[file_system]: degenerate_keys += 1 self[file_system][target_name] = { 'index': int(, 'status':, 'role':, 'role_id':, 'uuid':, 'ref_count': int(, 'target_ip':'@')[0], 'nid':, }
[docs] def get_failovers(self): """Identify OSSes with an abnormal number of OSTs Identify OSTs that are probably failed over and return a list of abnormal OSSes and the expected number of OSTs per OSS. """ resulting_data = {} for file_system, ost_data in self.items(): ost_counts = {} # key = ip address, val = ost count for ost_name, ost_values in ost_data.items(): if ost_values['role'] != 'osc': # don't care about mdc, mgc continue ip_addr = ost_values['target_ip'] ost_counts[ip_addr] = ost_counts.get(ip_addr, 0) + 1 # Get mode of OSTs per OSS to infer what "normal" OST/OSS ratio is histogram = {} for ip_addr, ost_count in ost_counts.items(): if ost_count not in histogram: histogram[ost_count] = 1 else: histogram[ost_count] += 1 if not histogram: raise KeyError('no OSTs to count') mode = max(histogram, key=histogram.get) # Build a dict of { ip_addr: [ ostname1, ostname2, ... ], ... } abnormal_ips = {} for ost_name, ost_values in ost_data.items(): if ost_values['role'] != 'osc': # don't care about mdc, mgc continue ip_addr = ost_values['target_ip'] if ost_counts[ip_addr] != mode: if ip_addr in abnormal_ips: abnormal_ips[ip_addr].append(ost_name) else: abnormal_ips[ip_addr] = [ost_name] resulting_data[file_system] = { 'mode': mode, 'abnormal_ips': abnormal_ips, } return resulting_data
[docs]class LfsOstFullness(SubprocessOutputDict): """ Representation for the `lfs df` command. Generates a dict of form { file_system: { ost_name : { keys: values } } } """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(LfsOstFullness, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.subprocess_cmd = LFS_DF self.load()
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Serialize object into an ASCII string Returns a string that resembles the input used to initialize this object: snx11025-OST0001_UUID 90767651352 63381521692 26424604184 71% /scratch1[OST:1] """ repr_result = "" for target_name in sorted(self.keys()): obd_data = self[target_name] for obd_name in sorted(list(obd_data.keys()), key=lambda x: obd_data[x]['target_index']): keyvalues = obd_data[obd_name] repr_result += "%s-%s_UUID %ld %ld %ld %3d%% %s[%s:%d]\n" % ( target_name, obd_name, keyvalues['total_kib'], keyvalues['used_kib'], keyvalues['remaining_kib'], # Note that lfs dl's percents are not divided by # avail_kib, but rather the sum of used and remaining. round(100.0 * keyvalues['used_kib'] / (keyvalues['remaining_kib'] + keyvalues['used_kib'])), keyvalues['mount_pt'], keyvalues['role'].upper(), keyvalues['target_index'], ) return repr_result
[docs] def load_str(self, input_str): """Parse the output of `lfs df` to initialize self """ degenerate_keys = 0 for line in input_str.splitlines(): match = if match is not None: file_system, target_name = re.findall('[^-_]+',[0:2] if file_system not in self: self[file_system] = {} # Duplicates can happen if a file system is doubly mounted if target_name in self[file_system]: degenerate_keys += 1 self[file_system][target_name] = { 'total_kib': int(, 'used_kib': int(, 'remaining_kib': int(, 'mount_pt':, 'role':, 'target_index': int(, }